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WALA Show it Was: The Annual WALA Conference

Writer's picture: Jack ArnstonJack Arnston

The Priton Group attended the annual Wisconsin Assisted Living Association (WALA) show last week in the Wisconsin Dells. We were to only Document Management company in attendance and received a tremendous amount of interest in both out our solutions for eliminating paper, and FileBound Fred (more on him later). More importantly, we had the opportunity to speak to all types of people who are struggling with paper documents and looking for a better way to store and retrieve their information.

It is hard to believe that we live in a world of self-driving cars yet people are still working with, and storing paper documents. There are so many industries that are still paper intensive. Just the other day I purchased a new vehicle and had to sign a number of paper forms and contracts. Many organization still store their personnel files via paper. It is not uncommon to visit an accounts payable department that received invoices in a PDF format and then prints them to route for approval and payment.

Now is the time to make the transition from paper to digital, if for no other reason than to keep up with your competition. Companies that fail to adapt to the technology risk becoming less efficient, less nimble and less likely to properly service their customers, vendors and employees. And transitioning to a document management solution is easier than ever.

Attendees at the WALA conference shared their many frustrations of dealing with paper. Although some applications are unique to their industry, most of these applications are common across all industries. Their excitement of understanding how paper can be eliminated from their offices elicited a consistent excitement level. This reinforced to me the importance of what we do, and the value we bring to a company. It is always exciting to see the impact that our solutions can have. When a client tells us how their tasks have been made easier, and how we have brought order to their chaos, is what keeps us going. Knowing that our solutions have become mission critical applications and that our clients rely on these solutions every day is very rewarding. The only frustration is that we cannot reach out and help everyone.

So, what was all the buzz about at this year’s WALA conference? Well it was FileBound Fred of course. Fred is all tied up in knots due to his manual paper processes. Removing the paper and improving your processes frees you of these knots and makes you more productive and less stressful. Don’t be like Fred…get rid of your paper now and free yourself from the stress of your unnecessary clutter.

Jack Arnston is a Principal at The Priton Group. He can be reached at

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