Last Monday was the 2018 BrainStorm Conference held in the Wisconsin Dells. If you are not familiar with BrainStorm it is a technology show designed around K-12 School Districts. This is our third time participating in the show and I would like to begin by complimenting the folks at META, Inc. (Midwest Education Technology Association, Inc.) for putting on another excellent event. The venue was overflowing with vendors representing everything from construction to headsets to whiteboards and student information systems. It was interesting that we were the only Document Management vendor and as such we had a tremendous amount of traffic around our booth. I would like to thank our business partners; FileBound Software and Epson Scanners for participating with us.
BrainStorm provided the perfect backdrop to unveil FileBound Connect. This new and innovative product will forever change the way school districts access their documents from their Student Information System applications. FileBound Connect integrates with Skyward, Infinite Campus, PowerSchool and other SIS applications. What makes FileBound Connect so unique, is that it allows users to work in their SIS screen, while a pop-up alert instantly provides feedback if a related image has been saved to FileBound. Users no longer have move to a separate application and query for documents. Even workflow assignments are presented through the Connect interface and a simple click on the reminder launches the workflow screen. Nothing could be easier when accessing information.
The other time-saving feature of Connect is its ability to create and populate a new folder based on the screen you are viewing in your SIS. Connect not only creates the screen, but automatically fills in the index values based on the active SIS screen. There is no longer a need to type in index values before saving documents. Just bring up or create the folder, and either scan or drag and drop documents into the FileBound system.
Since we had such a positive response to Connect at the show, we have decided to host a webinar to further demonstrate how Connect can work with your SIS applications. On March 27th, we will be presenting a short, 30-minute webinar beginning at 11:00 AM CST. During that time, we will share with you all of the rich features of Connect using Skyward as our SIS application. You will learn how other districts are using this tool to increase efficiency, eliminate errors and create a complete solution for storing and retrieving documents. Student files, personnel files, Accounts Payable documents, board packets and many other types of documents can be archived and retrieved using FileBound Connect. If you would like to register for the webinar please click here and you will be directed to the registration page.
Jack Arnston is a Principal at The Priton Group. He can be reached at jarnston@pritongroup.com.