Do you know the feeling when you put on your favorite clothes and they just feel right? We all have those special items that no matter what, provide comfort and security. Well that’s how I feel about a new product call FileBound Connect. This product promises to be the software that makes me feel comfortable and secure. It’s that item that truly makes work easier, saving time and eliminating frustration. For me it is that “aha moment” for document management that is the perfect fit, and just feels right.
FileBound Connect is what is called a “follow me” application developed by Upland FileBound. It resides in the system tray of your Windows computer and reads the information in your application screen. It then compares that information to the FileBound database and notifies you when there are associated images available to retrieve. And this all happens in your line-of-business application.
Imagine working in your ERP system and receiving a pop-up notification that there are images of the purchase order, the invoice, the payment or any other associated documents. There is no wasted time going to a third-party document management solution to do a separate query to see if the information is available. No windows to open, no search values to enter, the information is just there waiting for you. It is kind of like having your own personal butler waiting in the wings, anticipating your every move and prepared to provide the information you need.
And what about saving information into the system. FileBound Connect can help with that too. A simple window is accessible from your system tray. Scan and store buttons provide an easy and simple to use tool for storing images. Even if you have not created a folder in FileBound, Connect takes the data from you line-of-business application and fills in the index values for you.
Imagine being a Human Resources professional and you want to save personnel file documents to FileBound for a new employee. Simply go to your HRSM software and pull up the new employee’s information. FileBound Connect will read the data on the screen and automatically write the data to FileBound creating the new employee file. Just scan or drag and drop your images into the folder and you are done.
Have workflow responsibilities? FileBound connect will notify you when there is an associated workflow task for the screen that you are working in. All you need to do is click on the workflow icon and all your workflow assignments are queued up for you.
FileBound Connect makes using document management as seamless and easy as possible. It allows you to stay in your line-of-business application while retrieving documents, saving files and completing workflow tasks. It is the next generation of document management, available today, and it just feels right.
Jack Arnston is a Principal at The Priton Group. He can be reached at jarnston@pritongroup.com.